‘Everybody agreed they were guilty’: Multi-million dollar verdicts deliver legal blow to Jehovah’s Witnesses - GreenwichTime
‘everybody agreed they were guilty’: multi-million dollar verdicts deliver legal blow to jehovah’s witnesses - greenwichtime.
‘Everybody agreed they were guilty’: Multi-million dollar verdicts deliver legal blow to Jehovah’s Witnesses - GreenwichTime
mark o'donnell ( john redwood) has outdone himself in this excellent piece on watchtower's appeal to the supreme court regarding their definition of clergy-penitent rights.. the case they are appealing revolves around gilbert simental, a known abuser who, although eventually removed as an elder, was allowed to remain in a position of respect, with the parents of his victims kept in the dark about the risk he posed to the children with whose care he was entrusted.
anyway it's an excellent piece and well worth reading.. https://jwsurvey.org/news/jehovahs-witnesses-lose-california-child-abuse-case-appeal-to-u-s-supreme-court-part-one.
its the smaller hand book and fragile due to the acid over time.
looking to go though it as little as possible so if anyone knows what pages have the most crazy things i would appreciate it.
I used to have one that belonged to my grandfather but when I was still in, gave it away to a circuit overseer I liked. If only I had known that I could have made money from selling it!
the number of child abuse cases in the catholic church is in decline apparently.
is the same thing true in the wts?
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/201908/top-10-myths-about-clergy-abuse-in-the-catholic-church .
The number of child abuse cases in the Catholic Church is in decline apparently. Is the same thing true in the WTS?
according to the merriam-webster dictionary the definition of superstition is as follows - .
1a: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.
b: an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or god resulting from superstition.
I always thought that the worse ones were the ones who thought they had the personal voice of God in their ear.
according to the merriam-webster dictionary the definition of superstition is as follows - .
1a: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.
b: an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or god resulting from superstition.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the definition of superstition is as follows -
1a: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.
b: an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition.
2: a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary.
Now the WT org has printed many articles about avoiding superstitious practices, for example this one 'Are Superstitions Harmless?' Awake!—1987, which in part said "Remember, too, that superstitions offer an immature individual an excuse for blaming some power beyond himself for his bad fortune.”
So why is it that when something appears to go wrong in their lives the majority of the JWs will immediately blame Satan the Devil!
Isn't that just being superstitious?
For example, a friend of ours, due to a mistake in the payroll department of his employer, did not get paid the week before the Regional Convention. "That's the Devil trying to stop me going to the convention" he immediately said. "No, it's a fault with your employer's payroll system." we said. "Yes, but obviously the Devil was behind it. These things don't just happen by chance." Um, yes, they do.
Similarly when a pioneer who was on the first day's programme had a flat tyre en route. "How did that sharp nail just happen to be on the road and me in my good suit having to change a dirty tyre. The Devil's to blame I know!!"
Isn't this just magical thinking and a belief in superstition.
many of us know that watch tower (yes, two words in this case) has issued a subpoena to reddit to try to gain darkspilver's identity due to accusations of copyright infringement:.
tl;dr: on april 9, watch tower filed a response to the eff's motion to quash (filed march 26) regarding the subpoena submitted to reddit in an attempt to find /u/darkspilver's identity.. the wt response is publicly available here as a pdf, from the site court listener.. a number of other documents relating to the case are available on the same site, here.. and the eff's motion to quash is available on the eff's website here.. details: as i'm sure many of us know, watch tower (yes, two words in this case) has issued a subpoena to reddit to try to gain /u/darkspilver's identity due to accusations of copyright infringement.
specifically, watch tower is claiming copyright infringement for two things: first, darkspilver posted the back page of the november 2018 watchtower which was an article entitled "what gift can we give to jehovah?” which explained how to donate.
i am totally lost.
can someone explain what is happening with this issue, please?i read online that gb is trying to coverup or defend themselves and their organization... like what happened?
isn't this horrible thing happening in all of the religions over the world...for example catholic church has got multiple scandals...but i just don't get it.
And as well as elders not reporting it to the law enforcement officers even where mandatory reporting is the law of the land, they say that there is nothing stopping the child's parents from reporting it, because the parents are the ones bringing their child up. Except where the child's abuser is the parent or step-parent, well obviously it just won't happen.
The WT has articles on helping the adult victims of incest. Unfortunately they neglect to help the victims of incest while they are still children.
As Jesus said "by their fruits you will recognize them".
among all this architect's plans is listed the demolition of a kingdom hall near bishop's stortford in england.
another one bites the dust.
Among all this architect's plans is listed the demolition of a Kingdom Hall near Bishop's Stortford in England. Another one bites the dust.
“it is the only religion which doesn’t go to war.
we have friends in every country on earth and we all think alike---we have the true understanding of the bible.
we are the true religion which god approves………..” says the jw.. to put jws in the context of the question of true religion, we first have to get an insight into how a jw thinks and these points above are the selected criteria chosen by jws to judge themselves.
Harris, Isaac J. "Debating the 6 Biblical Proofs of the Jehovah's Witnesses." Learn Religions, Jun. 25, 2019,